CCC Engineering LTD (Hereinafter called “CCCE”) grows out of the Engineering Department of China National Electric Wire & Cable Imp./Exp. Corporation (Hereinafter called “CCC”), which was in charge of all the CCC international projects development and implementation. To meet the new challenges of global EPC markets and the need of its own development, CCC Engineering LTD was registered in Beijing in the year of 2000.   CCCE focuses on the international power and communication turnkey projects contracting, and also engages in the importation and exportation of machinery, electric equipment and telecommunication product. CCCE also provides services of management, survey, design, procurement, construction, installation, consultation for the domestic and international turnkey projects. Its business scope covers the fields of projects contracting, importation and exportation, consultation, design and so on.Since 2007, CCCE has entered into a dramatic growth stage, especially in EPC contracting business. In order to break through the bottle neck of development, CCCE invited Jiangsu Etern Company Limited (Hereinafter called” ETERN”) as a strategic investor to invest in the company. Taking this opportunity, CCCE has successfully spread its business from the field of power transmission and distribution into new areas, including power plant construction, telecommunication, and natural resource and so on.    In the past ten years, with the efforts of all the staff CCCE has carried out dozens of projects throughout Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa. All these projects have been successfully completed on schedule with excellent quality, and these projects have earned a good reputation for CCCE. During the implementation of these projects, CCCE has already built a professional team proficient in commercial, legal, technical and management affairs, and gained rich experience of project planning, evaluation, financing and management as well as after-sale services. Meanwhile, CCCE has established long-term cooperation relationships with many famous designing institutes as well as many reliable and qualified suppliers home and abroad.    In the future, on the basis of its diligent talents, adequate executing capability, rich experience and good reputation, CCCE strives to build its Own Brand—“CCCE” in the international project contracting field, and sincerely hopes to cooperate with all friends in various forms, and create an illustrious future together.    北京中纜通達(dá)電氣成套有限公司(以下簡稱成套公司)的前身是中國電線電纜進(jìn)出口有限公司(以下簡稱電纜公司)成套部,負(fù)責(zé)電纜公司對外承包項(xiàng)目的開發(fā)和執(zhí)行。為了應(yīng)對新世紀(jì)的全球EPC市場的全新挑戰(zhàn),同時(shí)也是業(yè)務(wù)拓展和自身發(fā)展的需要,成套部于2000年在北京注冊成立了北京中纜通達(dá)電氣成套有限公司。    公司以成套機(jī)電設(shè)備為載體的國內(nèi)外大型工程承包為主體業(yè)務(wù),同時(shí)經(jīng)營以機(jī)電產(chǎn)品進(jìn)出口為重點(diǎn)業(yè)務(wù)的國內(nèi)外貿(mào)易,以及國內(nèi)外建設(shè)工程的可行性研究、技術(shù)咨詢、勘察設(shè)計(jì)、工程施工監(jiān)理及項(xiàng)目管理,服務(wù)覆蓋到國際工程承包、電力、進(jìn)出口、咨詢、設(shè)計(jì)等多個(gè)領(lǐng)域。    從2007年開始,為了進(jìn)一步拓展業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域、應(yīng)對公司業(yè)務(wù)井噴的壓力,公司引入戰(zhàn)略投資人江蘇永鼎股份有限公司。借此契機(jī),將公司的業(yè)務(wù)從輸配電領(lǐng)域延伸到發(fā)電、通訊、能源等其他領(lǐng)域。    經(jīng)過10年來全公司員工的兢兢業(yè)業(yè)的經(jīng)營,公司業(yè)務(wù)遍及東南亞,中東和非洲,執(zhí)行了數(shù)十個(gè)工程項(xiàng)目;所有的項(xiàng)目均保質(zhì)保量如期完成,得到了業(yè)主的一致好評(píng)。在此過程中,成套公司培養(yǎng)了一支精通商務(wù)、法律、技術(shù)、管理的專業(yè)化隊(duì)伍;從項(xiàng)目策劃、項(xiàng)目評(píng)估、項(xiàng)目融資、施工管理到售后服務(wù)等方面累計(jì)了豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn),并與國內(nèi)外知名的設(shè)計(jì)院、品牌設(shè)備商建立了長期的良好合作關(guān)系。    展望未來,成套公司將憑借優(yōu)秀的人才、充分的執(zhí)行實(shí)力、良好的信譽(yù)和業(yè)績,致力于在國際工程承包領(lǐng)域打造出自有品牌—“CCCE”,并竭誠與各界朋友開展多種形式的合作,攜手共進(jìn),共創(chuàng)美好未來。北京總公司地址:北京市朝陽區(qū)西大望路63號(hào)陽光財(cái)富大廈7號(hào)樓806室上海分公司地址:上海市普陀區(qū)祁連山南路1988號(hào)嘉龍大廈A座14樓1415 - 1428室